Rules & Regulations
1. Dress Code:
- Students must wear the prescribed school uniform on all school days.
- Wearing jewelry or flowers is strictly prohibited.
2. School Timings:
- Classes are scheduled from Monday to Saturday, 9:05 AM to 3:40 PM, with a designated lunch break.
- Students must arrive at school by 9:00 AM and proceed directly to their classrooms.
- Latecomers will face disciplinary action.
3. Personal Grooming:
- Hairstyles of an extreme nature or appearance are not allowed.
4. Language and Behavior:
- The use of profane, offensive, or insulting language is strictly prohibited.
- Harassment of any kind, including verbal or physical actions based on gender, religion, race, or physical attributes, is not tolerated. Behavior that demeans or negatively impacts an individual or group, whether implied or overt, is prohibited.
5. Care of School Property:
- Students must handle smart class equipment, lab apparatus, library books, furniture, and other school property responsibly.
- Any misuse or damage will be treated as negligence.
- Those responsible will be required to cover the cost of repairs or replacements. Additional disciplinary actions may be taken based on the severity of the damage or intent.
Note: All students are expected to adhere to these rules to maintain a disciplined, respectful, and safe learning environment.